With the ever changing food culture and life style, we firmly believe in providing the best products and professional service to our customers with a focus in tastiness, safety, and innovation. Our specialty is to export the quality products from Taiwan and showcase the Taiwanese food on the world stage. And we work with our suppliers to ensure they pass the necessary global regulatory requirements.
With the ever changing food culture and life style, we firmly believe in providing the best products and professional service to our customers with a focus in tastiness, safety, and innovation. Our specialty is to export the quality products from Taiwan and showcase the Taiwanese food on the world stage. And we work with our suppliers to ensure they pass the necessary global regulatory requirements.
Sunnex Enterprise started out as a Taiwanese food export business and challenges the difficult Japanese market. Over thirty years we successfully export 100 quality brands of Taiwanese products and around 200 cargos a year to the Japanese market, thanks to the support of the Yusei Trading Company Limited, Toei Trading Company Limited, Daiei Trading Company Limited, Nishihara Company Limited, Asahi Company Limited. Many of our products can be found in many well-known supermarkets and enjoy widely-received popularity.
The “Old Donkey Sky-Rocket Chili” products are mainly exported to Japan. Following the success in Japan and Taiwan, they are further promoted in other parts of the world and our sales volume is 2 million per year and counting.
Sunnex partner with DIH Lhing Enterprise (Vietnam) to supply vermicelli products to Japan through a long-term contract with Acecook Enterprise. These vermicelli products can also be found on the Taiwanese market.
老騾子干燒系列同樣是以台灣風味為核心,選擇世界少有的珍稀食材「櫻花蝦」為主打,利用獨特干燒技術保存鮮味與香氣,用心呈現極致滋味。 特選外型完整的櫻花蝦,一旦斷頭或斷尾就予以剔除,在瓶中可以看到一隻隻色澤鮮美的極品櫻花蝦,從視覺開始就是一場饗宴。 真材實料的紮實內涵讓它們不只是醬料,還可以當作小菜直接品嚐,滿口都是動人海洋鮮味。
2018年首度參加評選獲得 iTQi國際風味評鑑風味絕佳二星獎章。
由比利時國際風味暨品質評鑑所 (International Taste & Quality Institute,簡稱iTQi)
~ 晚餐 ~